antagon theaterAKTion
street theatre (2003-2012)
The Frankfurt based company, founded in 1990 by Bernhard Bub, is one of the oldest and renowned street-theatre companies in Germany! She is famous for the political attitude and lifestyle of her members, both on and off stage!
Critically acclaimed for her entertaining mix of theatre, dance, acrobatics, pyrotechnics and live music, antagon has excited audiences worldwide with performances and spectacles for over three decades. Her performances often depict massive (sometimes mobile) stage constructions and mainly take place in open-air and public spaces, portraying individual as well as social and environmental themes in a montage of emotionally charged pictures.
Jakob has worked as her musical director for 10 successive years and composed, produced and performed the music to her productions Time Out, Frame Games and GINKGO, next to countless performances and walk-acts.
For more information please visit the antagon website.